"The ultimate companion to successfully completing your research project, the author guides you through a step-by-step approach to research and provides all of the skills and momentum you need to e…
This practical guide highlights the hallmarks of a successful research project. It combines the practical and theoretical aspects of research with the progressive development of the readers' ideas …
About the Book: This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and efforts have been made to enhance the usefulness of the book. In this edition a new chapter The Computer : Its Role i…
This best-selling text pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method research design. For all three approaches, John W. Creswell and new co-author J. David Creswell includ…
A Handbook for Social Science Field Research: Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods provides both novice and experienced scholars with valuable insights to a select list of …
This edition takes the form of an informal dialogue, akin to students and teachers working together in a classroom. It shows the evolution of grounded theory method over time and the influence of c…
"Essentials of Research Methods is a concise and accessible introduction to research methods in the social sciences. Written by an expert of research methods teaching, this book takes care to focus…
This volume introduces all the key qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and methods for the social sciences and seeks to draw readers into a community of researchers engaged in refle…
"Essentials of Research Methods is a concise and accessible introduction to research methods in the social sciences. Written by an expert of research methods teaching, this book takes care to focus…
The authors provide an up-to-date guide to qualitative study design, data collection, analysis, and reporting. Step by step, the authors explain a range of methodologies and methods for conducting …
This textbook offers an essential introduction to survey research and quantitative methods. Building on the premise that statistical methods. Building on the premise that statistical methods need t…
"Inviting and conversational, RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Third Edition, leads students through the research process from start to finish. The text opens with tips and strategies …